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About US

Asghcc Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 25 April 2017. It is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Patna. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 500,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 500,000. It is inolved in Other wholesale [Includes specialized wholesale not covered in any one of the previous categories and wholesale in a variety of goods without any particular specialization.
Asghcc Private Limited's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 31 December 2020 and as per records from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on 31 March 2020.

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Power Guard RO

MRP - 18900/-

We have well-organized warehouse that is divided into specified areas according to technological operations in order to automate inbound, outbound and in-stock operations. This helps us in making quick deliveries in the shortest time span. Our organization is a one-stop stop and the best destination for acquiring superiority guaranteed Aqua Super Plus.

Call for Assistence +91 7677575239

Aqua Glaxy


We have well-organized warehouse that is divided into specified areas according to technological operations in order to automate inbound, outbound and in-stock operations. This helps us in making quick deliveries in the shortest time span. Our organization is a one-stop stop and the best destination for acquiring superiority guaranteed Aqua Super Plus.

Call for Assistence +91-7677575239

Commercial Plant

MRP - 1,35,000/-

We have well-organized warehouse that is divided into specified areas according to technological operations in order to automate inbound, outbound and in-stock operations. This helps us in making quick deliveries in the shortest time span. Our organization is a one-stop stop and the best destination for acquiring superiority guaranteed Aqua Super Plus.

Call for Assistence +91 7677575239

Power Guard RO के फायदे

RO वाटर प्यूरीफायर तकनीक पानी की सभी अशुद्धियां धातु और नुकसानदायक पदार्थों को साफ कर देती है
यह बैक्टीरिया और वायरस को भी नष्ट कर देती है।
आर्सेनिक और क्लोरीन जैसे हानिकारक पदार्थों को साफ कर देती है।
UV Purifier तकनीक नार्मल प्रेशर टैप वॉटर में आसानी से काम कर सकती है।
UV Purifier पानी के अंदर सभी वायरस और बैक्टीरिया को नष्ट कर देता है।
UV Purifier पानी में घुली हुई अन्य अशुद्धियों को भी समाप्त कर देता है।